What do you think of when you hear the word “real estate agency”?
The most common ones that come to mind are probably the real estate agencies located in front of train stations, etc., where you can look for rooms and buy and sell houses, etc.
In fact, there are many different types of real estate agencies in your daily lives!
Today, I would like to explain about some of them, including some geeky knowledge.
There are four types of real estate agents.

Real estate development companies (developers) are broadly divided into two types: general developers who develop commercial facilities, residential land development, and a wide range of other areas, and condominium developers who specialize in condominiums. Some customers often ask me about the difference between a developer and a general contractor, and I will simply explain the difference between the two.
Developer = developer (planning)

General contractor = construction contractor (construction contractor)
The difference may not be obvious from commercial advertisements or flyers, but when you compare the two, there is a big difference in their work.

Sales and sales agency (distribution)
Real estate sales agents are commissioned by real estate development companies to sell real estate. There are several types of real estate sales agents.
Real estate companies that mainly sell newly built properties.
Real estate companies that sell in cooperation with multiple real estate companies.
Real estate companies that receive commissions from specific real estate companies only.
There are several types of real estate agencies.
In terms of flow, a sales agent company sells houses and other real estate on behalf of a house builder or owner, and sells them to other consumers.

Brokerage company
Simply put, they introduce rental and sales properties.
Apartments, condominiums, stores, offices, parking lots, warehouses, detached houses, etc.
This is a wide-ranging job that introduces (mediates) any kind of property.
Because we handle multiple and wide-ranging properties, we have a wealth of real estate information, making it easy to find the right property for you.
Basically, the purpose of this job is to introduce customers to properties and earn a commission for doing so.
Rental agency jobs provide customers looking for rental properties with a variety of property information, show them around the properties, and handle everything from the contracting process to handing over the keys to the room once the customer is satisfied with it.
Here, it is best to imagine a real estate agent in town.
Those who have lived alone or looked for rental properties when they were students or working adults may have experienced being introduced to properties by rental agency salespeople, so it is easy to imagine what the job entails.

Sales agents introduce properties to people who are considering the purchase of a home, such as a single-family home or condominium, and since many customers consider this to be a once-in-a-lifetime home, the job requires far more knowledge and ability than a leasing agent. It is a learning process no matter how far you go, and there is no goal for your knowledge.

Property Management Company
Property management companies mainly manage rental properties. They are commissioned by property owners to maintain and repair the interior of rental properties. In addition, they are responsible for collecting rent and recruiting tenants by preparing drawings and notifying real estate agents of the property so that they can close the deal. We also handle complaints and requests from tenants. We also check real estate distribution websites for competing properties and make proposals to property owners regarding asking rents, security deposits, key money, and other terms and conditions.
Village House Management Co. We own more than 100,000 units of Village House properties nationwide, and we are also a management company.