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Paperwork is an inevitability in Japan, more so when you’re signing a lease to an apartment or house. The process of securing a rental prope…
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Houseplants are grown indoors, on balconies, in gardens, etc. You might think, “They’re not that big, so as long as they’re packed properly,…
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Introduction  Fukui Prefecture, often overlooked by both local and international travelers, remains one of Japan’s best-kept secrets…
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Introduction  Winters in Japan vary depending on whether you are up in snowy Hokkaido or down in sunny Kyushu and usually stretc…
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The number of foreigners coming to Japan for work is steadily increasing. While many individuals are aware of certain aspects of Japanese cu…
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Moving can be challenging for adults, but it becomes even more difficult when children are involved. They may interfere during packing, and …
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Many people worry about high electricity bills during the winter and are eager to find ways to save money. With shorter days and longer nigh…
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Many people want to save as much as possible on moving expenses and wonder if they can move on their own. However, to move on your own, you …
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Many couples choose to live together to maximize their time together. However, some may also find themselves contemplating the design of the…
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Have you ever found yourself thinking, “I should have packed more efficiently,” or “I had the time, so why didn’t I start earlier?” If so, y…
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