If you have moved into your new apartment, everything will be in pristine working condition. You will be able to use all of the amenities of your new place with no problems. Over time this may change. You may end up having drains that clog or some small damages that may occur. Usually, you would call the landlord and get it fixed as soon as possible, but depending on the severity of the problem, you may be able to take care of it yourself.

Check Your Drains
When it comes to the drains in your sinks and bathroom, it’s always best to check the inside of the drains. There is usually some type of filter there that will catch any debris that may try to make it into the drain. Cleaning these regularly is key to stopping blockage problems, and is usually the main cause of that problem. If you find that even after cleaning the filter that you are still having trouble with draining the water, you can use some metal snakes to try and pull whatever is blocking the drain out of it. You can also use some clog removal products from the drugstore. They are usually inexpensive and can fix simple drain problems for you in no time. Using a plunger can be a good option in some cases as well. Your toilets will be the same, and there are some things you can buy that can help keep your pipes clean and clear of waste. You can even try using white vinegar and baking soda as it helps to loosen and clear your pipes. If all else fails, call the landlord as you may need someone with more expertise to get it fixed correctly.

Getting Rid of Mold and Cleaning
Lots of areas in your apartment can get dirty quickly, and in the end, can leave some unsightly discoloration on your walls. A very clear example of this is your bathroom. The wet areas can grow different kinds of mold and can become extremely hard to get rid of. Buying some products from the local drugstore can help get rid of the grime and mold, and you can use baking soda and white vinegar again. This will help get rid of the smell and keep your bathroom looking nice. The same can be said for your cooking area in your kitchen. Grease and other food wastes can get on the walls around your burners and can become increasingly difficult to clean. Before you call a professional cleaner, try using some degreasing spray, and wiping with a netted sponge. Letting the spray sit for a few minutes to completely remove the grease from the walls. Cleaning your washing machine should be another thing to do, as it will reduce smell, and keep the machine clean and free of mold. You can use typical cleaning products or a diluted version of the white vinegar and baking soda mixture.

Simple Repairs
First things first, you should try to keep all damages to a minimum. Japanese landlords don’t take kindly to having their properties misused and damaged. That being said, sometimes small things do happen when living in an apartment for a long amount of time. If you have hardwood floors, they can easily be scratched and scuffed by any number of things. For shallow scratches or just small visible ones, you can use floor markers of the same color as your floor. They won’t fix the deeper ones, but they can hide some visible damage to the naked eye. For the deeper scratches, you may need to use some paste to help fill in the scratch. You can find the paste at local 100-yen stores and department stores. You can cover small holes with paste or caulk. For something larger, you will need to use some drywall patching, but it will be obvious that there was some kind of work done on the wall. Anything that will need significant repair needs to be done by a professional.

The first thing you can do to help with fixing these problems is to take the steps to prevent it from happening at all. Buying some chair socks can save your floor from unwanted scratches. You can also buy standing walls for your cooking area to protect your walls, and you can move them around how you like. Also, buying some soft cloth to put in spots that may take some unintentional hits from doors can help reduce the chance of needing to do any repairs at all. Think carefully before you try to do any decorating as well as it may look nice at first, but when needing to remove the stuff could cause damage during the removal. Try and use the internet to find some other simple solutions when you can.
This topic can easily become something much bigger than it is. Trying to cover something up can come back to bite you later as well. Using the tips you can find here or other places on the web can truly save you a huge bill from the landlord. Try to make as little an impact as possible on your apartment and keep it as well kept as it was when you moved in.