It can be hard to stay home all day when you live in a small apartment. If you’re wondering how to work from home in a small space without losing your mind, we’ve got some tips for you!
We’ve been hearing about the need to stay inside and practice social distancing for almost a year now. While most of us are willing to make sacrifices for the sake of public health, it can be difficult to stay home when you live in a small apartment. This is especially true if you live alone. Solitary confinement is a punishment for a reason. While a vaccine is being distributed and there’s hope that the pandemic will end soon, you might be working from home for at least a few more months. Here’s how to stay sane while being at home all day in a tiny apartment.

Take a walk outside
When you need to get out of the house, it’s a good idea to take a walk around your place. It can be hard to connect with nature in a city like Tokyo or Osaka, but it’s especially nice to go to a park. Being surrounded by greenery can help you relax and improve your mental health. Also, it can be helpful to start a hobby that can be enjoyed outdoors, like photography. Whatever you decide to do, make sure to take a moment to rest and get some fresh air.

Make sure to take a break from work
When you work from home, it’s easy to start feeling like you’re at work all the time. Without a clear divide between work time and personal time, it’s easy to start answering emails and finishing projects when you’re off the clock. Don’t fall into the trap of working unpaid overtime! Turn off notifications on your work email, Slack, or other communication apps when the workday is done.
Make sure to take your lunch break. Even if you’re at home all day, you’re still entitled to it. Use this time to disconnect and cook yourself a nutritious meal. If you find yourself getting wrapped up in work and forgetting to take breaks or clock offset timers. You’re working as hard as you do when you’re at the office. You deserve some time for relaxation.

Get some plants for your apartment
Some apartments are so small that you don’t have much space for houseplants. However, if you have even the tiniest bit of space to spare, we recommend buying one or two. Getting some plants for your apartment can help you reap some of the benefits of going for a walk in the park. Having greenery in your home can make you feel more alive, refreshed, and relaxed. Furthermore, caring for your plants can be a form of self-care. Having a plant watering schedule helps add some routine to your day (that isn’t associated with work). Botany might become your newest hobby. Pick up a succulent or orchid and give it a try!

Stay in touch with your friends and family
Thanks to the Internet, it’s easy to stay in touch with friends and family, even when you can’t see them in person. However, it can be just as easy to forget to connect with them. Make sure to take the time to call your mom or send a text to your best friend. Consider accepting an invitation to a Zoom party. While social media can be a source of stress, it’s also a great tool for socializing. It’s not a good idea to scroll through Instagram or TikTok for hours, but it’s nice to see what the people in your life are up to.
Spending more time on the computer might be the last thing you want to do after a day filled with Zoom calls. If that’s the case, consider exchanging mail with your family and friends. Somewhat similar to journaling, writing out letters by hand can help reduce stress. Moreover, both you and your loved ones will have a tangible reminder of each other’s love and support.

Get a good night’s sleep
At the end of the day, it’s important to get a good night’s sleep. Wind down by watching a movie, listening to music, or taking a bath. Even though you don’t have to budget your time and energy for a morning commute, sleep is still important for maintaining productivity. If you have a hard time getting to sleep at night, consider disconnecting from technology at night. It’ll help you be more present in the morning.