It is apparent that people are seeking healing from living with pets and deepening communication within their households
It is apparent that people are seeking healing from living with pets and deepening communication within their households
Living in the city can be very different than living in the countryside. If you are curious about the differences between the two, check out our article on living in the city vs living in the countryside. When people think of Japan it is rarely the countryside that will come to mind. Most people will picture cities like Tokyo or Osaka and think of the urban areas instead of …
Have you ever heard of the term danchi? If so, then you may know that danchi is referring to a specific kind of apartment building, which has become an increasingly popular object for renovation. In fact, many Village House properties are former danchi, which have been beautifully renovated and are now being rented out for affordable prices. But what are danchi exactly and what’s so special about them? In …
Recently, the demand for goods and ideas to enhance the way people spend their "home time" has been increasing. Among these, the demand for pet-owning properties.
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