Traveling isn’t for everyone. For some people, it’s more stressful than enjoyable. If you’d rather stay home when you have time off, treat yourself to a lovely staycation!
Sometimes, when you have time off, you don’t feel like going anywhere. The idea of booking plane tickets and setting off into the distance just sounds exhausting. Even if you don’t feel like taking a vacation, you can still enjoy your days off. You don’t have to spend the entire time watching TV or playing video games. Instead, you can plan a relaxing and refreshing staycation for yourself.

Organize and Redecorate Your Home
It’s easy to let your home get messy and disorganized while you’re working. If your home could use some love and care, start your staycation by cleaning and organizing. Doing so will create a peaceful and relaxing environment for you to spend your days off in. You may also want to take this time to redecorate a bit. Think about what kind of aesthetic you want to bring into your home, and figure out how to incorporate it into each room. Part of self-care is caring for your surroundings. Making your home a nicer place to live will make you feel better both during your staycation and when you go back to work.
Feeding your brain is a great way to recharge during your staycation. While many of us read during the workweek, it’s hard to spend as much time as we’d like with our favorite books. Use your staycation to immerse yourself in some awesome reading material. It’ll help get your mind off work and allow you to “travel” without leaving your home.

Treat Yourself to a Spa Day
Having a spa day is a classic staycation staple. One relaxing thing you can do is take a bath. But don’t just take a normal, boring bath! Get yourself a bath bomb, salts, or bubbles to make it special. It’s also a good idea to treat yourself to a nice face mask. If you enjoy DIY activities, try making it yourself. After enjoying your bath and face mask, rinse yourself off and apply moisturizing treatments. If you want to give your nails some attention, finish off your spa day with a manicure and pedicure.

Start a New Hobby
Starting a new hobby is a great way to practice self-care. It’s important to have regular activities you enjoy outside of work. Take some time during your staycation to try out some hobbies you’re interested in. Once you find one that you like and can stick with, commit to participating in it even after you go to work. Doing so will help keep your mental health in shape after your staycation is over.

Get Some Exercise
If you work at a desk job, you’re probably in need of some exercise. Get moving! Exercise along with a guided video or freestyle a workout on your own. If you don’t typically exercise at home, consider devoting some time to set up a workout space in your apartment. With a dedicated workout space, you’re more likely to keep exercising after your staycation is over. Some of us don’t like to exercise indoors. That’s okay! Take a walk or jog around your neighborhood. Alternatively, find a nearby place you can enjoy nature and go for a hike.
Make or Order Good Food
Even if you’re home, it’s nice to eat like you’re on vacation. Eat nicer food than you normally would. Use recipes that take longer than you usually have time for or try cooking something new. If you don’t enjoy cooking very much, get some nice food at a nearby restaurant. Eat in to enjoy the ambiance or get takeout to eat back at your cozy home. To feel more like you traveled, try cooking or ordering food from a different country, region, or culture.

Catch Up On Sleep
If you find yourself feeling sleep-deprived during the workweek, use your vacation time to get some rest. Having plenty of time to sleep is one of the many things that make staycations better than travel. Be sure to schedule sleep into your staycation plan. Take this unfortunately rare opportunity to get 8 hours of sleep a night!